What's patent enforcement is like in South East Asia

What's patent enforcement is like in South East Asia


2 min read

South East Asia is witnessing a surge in patent filings, leading to increased patent enforcement activities across the region. Recent litigation and licensing developments highlight the evolving patent landscape in this dynamic area.


In Singapore, a notable case involved MobileStats Technologies suing the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) for infringing on its patent for a "mobile first aid post." The case was widely covered in the media due to its abrupt end when MobileStats withdrew its infringement claim due to funding issues, resulting in the likely forfeiture of its Singaporean patent.


In Malaysia, Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals faced challenges in protecting its Viagra patent against generics manufacturer Ranbaxy (Malaysia). The High Court rejected Pfizer's attempt to align its Malaysian patent with its US patent, and the decision was upheld on appeal. This refusal to amend the patent highlights the strict nature of patent modification in Malaysian courts.

Another case in Malaysia involved Ronic Corporation's patent infringement claim against Cadware over a soy milk machine sensor. The initial ruling in favour of Ronic was overturned on appeal, demonstrating the importance of detailed patent analysis in infringement cases.


Indonesia has proactively addressed public health needs by issuing compulsory licenses for patented AIDS and Hepatitis B drugs, enabling generic manufacturers to produce these medications. This move, similar to actions taken by Thailand and Malaysia, reflects a growing trend in Southeast Asia to balance patent rights with public health demands.

These cases across Southeast Asia illustrate the complexities and nuances of patent enforcement in the region, emphasising the need for strategic planning and a thorough understanding of local patent laws for businesses operating in these markets.