"The Crooked Man" is a hypothetical chilling horror film that spins off from the popular "The Conjuring" universe. The story revolves around the eponymous character, The Crooked Man, a malevolent entity first introduced in "The Conjuring 2".
In this film, we delve into the dark origins and the terrifying lore of The Crooked Man. The story begins in a small, seemingly peaceful town that is suddenly plagued by a series of unexplainable and horrifying events. As the townsfolk live in fear, a determined outsider arrives, drawn by the town's dark history and the haunting nursery rhyme that seems to be at the center of it all - "There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile..."
As the outsider delves deeper into the mystery, they uncover the town's hidden secrets and come face-to-face with the true horror of The Crooked Man. The film explores themes of fear, folklore, and the power of belief, all while delivering the spine-tingling scares and suspenseful storytelling that fans of "The Conjuring" universe have come to expect.
How to protect the intellectual property of The Crooked Man
Copyright: Copyright covers the screenplay, the film itself, and any original music created for the film. Copyright protection arises automatically when the work is created, but it can also be registered for added protection, particularly in the event of a dispute. This would give the copyright owner exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, or license the work.
Trademark: The title of the movie, "The Crooked Man", can be trademarked to prevent others from using the same or a confusingly similar title for their own films or related merchandise. Trademarking can also apply to any unique logos or designs associated with the film.
Contracts: Legal agreements with the cast, crew, and anyone else involved in the production of the movie are crucial. These contracts should clearly define who owns the rights to the work produced, and how those rights can be used. For example, contracts with actors often include clauses about how their likeness (i.e., their image) can be used, such as in promotional materials or merchandise.
Confidentiality Agreements: To protect the movie's plot and other confidential information during production, everyone involved should sign a confidentiality agreement. This prevents them from revealing any proprietary details about the film before it's released.
Merchandising Rights: If there are plans to create merchandise based on the movie or its characters, these rights should be clearly defined and protected. This could involve registering additional trademarks for the names or likenesses of characters.
Patents: While less common in the film industry, patents can be used to protect any innovative filming techniques or special effects technology developed for the movie.